Friday 10 February 2012

A website everyone should try

"Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes."       

In week three of the Digital Histories module we were allowed to try and improve our blogs. As well as setting up Google analytics I had a little go on Wordle. I think the quote above taken from the website sums it up superbly. This website was really easy to use and the picture just above is a word cloud for my last blog post. (If you click on the image above it will take you to the website) As you can see the word that took greater prominence is "Internet!" closely followed by "web" This is because I am blogging about history online. The website has a number of tabs located at the top of the web page and one of these tabs is called 'create'. If you click on this tab all you have to do is insert the text you want to appear in your cloud and click submit! 

To make my cloud I copied and pasted the text from my previous blog post and clicked submit. After this there are a number of things you can do such as change the layout and the font. It was really simple and a lot of the themes looked really good and exciting. After you've found a layout you like you can save to the public library and retrieve the html code so it can be incorporated into your own blog. To put my word cloud onto my blog on the left hand side I created a new gadget and pasted the html code in. it's really quite fun to use and definitely worth a go!

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